Dyndrite’s mission is to fundamentally CHANGE how geometry is created, transformed, and transmitted on a computer.
“Our vision is to empower your soul by providing the most powerful mathematical tools on the planet. With our software you can develop innovative next-generation solutions: You can ignite your purpose.”
Harshil Goel, Founder & CEO
Dyndrite Corporation is composed of mathematicians, software engineers, designers, mechanical engineers, and believers in the transformative power of digital manufacturing. Through new geometry and computing technologies, we aim to unlock the promise of emerging fabrication technologies, such as additive manufacturing (AM) within production-oriented environments, across numerous industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, energy, consumer goods, and contract manufacturers.
Our flagship product, the Dyndrite Accelerated Computation Engine (ACE), is a tool that gives hardware and software companies the power, freedom. and control necessary to deliver the future of digital manufacturing. This multi-threaded and GPU-accelerated software delivers eyebrow-raising performance, python automation, and one of the most accessible app development environments in the engineering and manufacturing industry. It helps our customers solve the toughest geometry and compute problems on the planet. Our licensees include hardware OEMs, software ISVs, enterprise developers, contract developers, and next-generation manufacturers.
To help guide our roadmap, establish standards, and promote multi-vendor solutions we host the Dyndrite Developer Council (DDC), which consists of the industry’s leading digital manufacturing brands, including 3D Systems, Altair, Ansys, EOS, HP, NVIDIA, Renishaw and SLM to name a few. The HP Universal Build Manager Powered by Dyndrite, announced in October 2020, was the first commercial application built on the Dyndrite Engine.
It’s been 30 years since the last CAM kernel was written - the world has changed quite a bit since then. Dyndrite is here to support the next 30. Let’s build a better future together.
Dyndrite’s mission is to fundamentally affect how geometry is created, transformed, and transmitted on a computer. In short, we want to revolutionize the manufacturing value chain by solving the most complicated geometry and compute problems that prevent greater productivity, efficiency and innovation. Our goal is to be the math department you call when you need a new tool in your toolbelt.
Manufacturing is transforming. New digital technologies are being developed and applied to enable digital factories, and, for that to be successful, the industry needs a new software standard to enable full integration of those technologies.
Dyndrite has embarked on providing a new Digital Nervous System for companies and partners seeking to define, develop and deliver digital transformation for the manufacturing ecosystem.
The Dyndrite Developer Council (DDC) is an invite-only, CTO-led organization that uses its technical and business expertise to advance the state of the digital manufacturing industry. The DDC includes over 25 members representing OEMs and ISVs that account for over 90% of the industrial 3D printers sold each year, and close to 1 million jobs around the world.