Unleash the serial production power of your HP Multi Jet Fusion or Metal Jet 3D printers

Dyndrite for MJF is a powerful build preparation software that gives you unprecedented power, freedom and control over your jetting manufacturing process. Complete the form and learn more about how Dyndrite can supercharge your serial production capabilities.

Make nesting a strategic part of your operation, control your Cost per Part (CPP): Sample shown: 1,492 parts at a 5mm spacing in three controlled nests within a single build–189 seconds, 13.94% packing density / 345mm build height.

Learn More About Dyndrite for MJF Early Adopter Program

About Dyndrite for Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)

HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) and Metal Jet 3D printers provide exceptional part manufacturing capabilities. Dyndrite for MJF is enterprise-grade software that maximizes these capabilities, automating build preparation, improving part quality, and lowering cost— Dyndrite transforms your HP machines into production powerhouses.

  • Automate and process multi-gigabyte 3D mesh or native CAD files

  • Nest 1000s of parts with fine precision and optimum control, in seconds

  • Develop advanced part labeling rules, including multiple labels per part

  • Leverage Python to automate builds, eliminate human error

  • Native printer connectivity, with full HP customization

  • Integate with a wide range of databases and/or 3rd party apps, including AMFG

  • Generate a wide variety of reports that Improve part ordering, job submission, and tracking

  • And MORE!

Learn how Dyndrite for MJF radically improves your HP production - complete the form today!

Request more info about Dyndrite for MJF:

9:00 AM
Harshil Goel
9:15 AM
Dan Brunermer
9:30 AM
Kate Black, Ph D
9:45 AM
Matthew Pullen
10:00 AM
Steve Walton
10:15 AM
Harshil Goel
10:15 AM
Q & A
30 Minute Session, Moderated by Harshil Goel