For laser- and extrusion-based Machines
Leverage true 3D geometric analysis for full control over your metal or plastic 3D printer toolpathing
For industrial 3D printing to support serial production, especially of many new part classes, toolpathing needs to be more sophisticated and automated. Dyndrite’s Toolpathing API enables fast and robust development of sophisticated toolpathing for comprehensive additive use cases.
Deliver features other toolpathing solutions fail to detect. Produce thin-wall parts, overhangs and deliver support-free metal parts. Dyndrite changes the game by giving you control over parameter and toolpath development while allowing you to develop and maintain your own IP.
The Dyndrite Hybrid Geometry Core supports native 3D CAD geometry to provide a seamless workflow of spline and metadata inherent within your model. Maintain the integrity of native CAD-based spline and B-Rep data throughout the entire workflow while using metadata to automate your build preparation. CAD-based color metadata is maintained to establish specific print strategies across the part such as required surface finish and treatment of complex features. This metadata may also be used to automate the build prep process, including indicating type of supports, orientation, label placement, etc.
Have multi-gigabyte 3D geometry? Not a problem. The Dyndrite Hybrid Geometry Core handles massive 3D data including STL files containing billions of facets.
CAD colors are maintained during import. Use this metadata to automate the build prep process, including indicating type of supports, orientation, label placement, toolpaths, etc.
Dyndrite’s Toolpathing API surpasses current layer-by-layer based boolean toolpathing methodologies by utilizing its GPU-based voxel engine to enable advanced 3D geometric queries into the part.
3D fields are generated, thresholded, and booleaned to enable the assignment of different parameters within a single model using the API. The discrete zoning process allows you to develop a robust build strategy, resolving large and small features at the resolution of the machine. This enables high throughput in thicker sections, reducing the need for complex supports, and enabling new materials and special alloys. This ultimately allows you to expand the use of new materials and machines, further enabling new classes of parts or new part families.
* Machine oems tend to cut corners by conducting layer booleans up to 10 layers up and down in order to determine upskin and downskin. Unfortunately, cutting corners means features, such as thin walls, are missed, causing failed prints. Dyndrite’s 3D Volumetric Segmentation easily detects this and other difficult features.
The current state of the art, OEM provided software stack still uses a limiting, 2 & 1/2D layer-based boolean method, to determine what 3D geometry is being printed.
Comparison of slice layers above and below current slice fail to detect thin vertical features.
Dyndrite’s 3D Volumetric Segmentation surpasses current layer-by-layer based boolean toolpathing methodologies by utilizing its GPU-based voxel engine to enable advanced 3D geometric queries into the part.
Features detected with 3D geometric queries provide the ability to vary machine parameters across upskin, downskin, and thin feature regions.
Dyndrite’s multi-threaded, GPU-based slicing function enables rapid 2D slice processing.
Results are driven by zoning and segmentation and creates RGB color assignments and metadata on the 3D volumetric data. This extra metadata can be used downstream to enable control of energy input into challenging features, and define results such as support-free metal part production.
Apply multiple inner and outer offsets to each contour to improve the accuracy of the parts.
Assign geometric and tool parameters to each zone, segment type, and layer.
These controls help promote isotropic material properties and minimize volumetric and surface flaws (porosity, surface roughness) associated with the use of multiple tools.
As part of the toolpathing process, tiling parameters can be programmatically applied regardless of how many zones are in place. For laser-based metal printing, this allows the end user to account for gasflow, the recoater, laser field-of-view, while load balancing across each tile or to create tiles to avoid stitching lasers within a part.
Create tiling/tessellation on each 2D contour to distribute the physical process in-chamber. Each tile is indexed and contains geometric and process metadata for downstream processing. Each tile may also be overlapped to enable stitching.
Coming Soon: Your own custom tiling
Post process all previously created tiles for practical use of the tool by combining small path fragments and minimizing jumps.
Determine tool exposure order based on metadata filters, sorting, queries and machine constraints such as gasflow.
Use the Toolpathing API to create hatch geometry inside the 2D contours from previously used steps.
Merge and Sort newly-generated hatch vectors as necessary. Account for hatch slivers, and machine constraints (like gasflow). Building on previous methods of sorting for parts and tiles, Dyndrite also allows sorting on fragments, vector location, and vector-type basis.
Part -> Type -> Location
Programmatically generate a machine-specific job file.
Use all of the previously generated metadata to add tool parameters to raw geometric data.
The data in Additive manufacturing is exploding. Yet, controlling and being able to manipulate this data is required to produce exact, repeatable parts. Dyndrite effiencently manages data compute taking advantage of multi-threaded CPUs and scalable GPUs to enable users to handle even the largest datasets.
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