Digital Manufacturing Investors Day (DMID) Event 

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Press Releases

Dyndrite Unveils new SMART Script Developed as part of the ASTM Consortium: New Automation Standard Brings Unprecedented Labor Savings and Precision To Additive Manufacturing
Dyndrite Unveils new SMART Script Developed as part of the ASTM Consortium: New Automation Standard Brings Unprecedented Labor Savings and Precision To Additive Manufacturing

October 28, 2024

SMART Script Delivers 99% Labor Savings and Precision for performing “Characterization and Qualification” builds.

Dyndrite Releases LPBF Pro Software for 3D Metal Printing and Launches VIP Onboarding Program
Dyndrite Releases LPBF Pro Software for 3D Metal Printing and Launches VIP Onboarding Program

November 5, 2023

Dyndrite releases Dyndrite LPBF Pro, an application built to empower a spectrum of additive manufacturing professionals, such as materials scientists, engineers, and manufacturers utilizing Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) printers including Aconity3D, EOS, Renishaw, and SLM. This software enhances precision, traceability, and repeatability, streamlining processes and pushing the boundaries of additive manufacturing and can be accessed through our newly launched VIP Onboarding Program.

Dyndrite, Constellium, Elementum 3D, and Sandvik Establish Materials Consortium for 3D Metal Printing
Dyndrite, Constellium, Elementum 3D, and Sandvik Establish Materials Consortium for 3D Metal Printing

November 2, 2023

Dyndrite™, along with additive manufacturing (AM) materials producers Constellium, Elementum 3D, and Sandvik announced the formation of the first industry led, “Materials Consortium” for AM. The joint effort is designed to make (LPBF) powder parameters and related testing data for common materials freely and publicly available to end users, enabling increased knowledge sharing, better outcomes, and faster adoption of materials and techniques.