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Meteor and Dyndrite announce Meteoryte™ Software for Industrial Inkjet 3D Printers

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Cambridge, UK, 17 May 2022: Meteor Inkjet Ltd, leading supplier of electronics, software, tools and services for industrial inkjet, together with Dyndrite, providers of the core accelerated computation engine designed to create next-generation digital manufacturing hardware and software, expand their collaboration with the announcement of Meteoryte, a 3D software tool that simplifies the development and adoption of inkjet technology for additive manufacturing applications.

Industrial inkjet 3D system developers, particularly those just getting started, face hardware, software and materials challenges.   In some cases, the software challenges can be resolved by adopting off-the-shelf, open-source tools, but when these tools lack sufficient features or can’t offer the required production-ready performance, Meteoryte presents an ideal solution.  Built with the Dyndrite Application Developer Kit, Meteoryte offers additive manufacturing system builders a foundational set of tools for the initial stages of machine development.  With an easy-to-use 3D geometry manipulation interface, Meteoryte features include:

  • Ability to import 3D meshes and geometry
  • Easy geometry manipulation (move, rotate and scale)
  • A 3D viewport for build area visualisation
  • Slicing at up to 1200 dots per inch (dpi)
  • Production of monochrome images for machine input

“Additive manufacturing machines that require jetting print heads are becoming increasingly popular. Through software, our goal is to empower machine builders and improve their success rate, while reducing their time to market,” said Harshil Goel, CEO, Dyndrite Corporation. “Our mission is to provide tools that create new tools. Meteoryte powered by Dyndrite is a perfect example of a tool that helps downstream customers with an accelerated path to success.”

Clive Ayling, Meteor’s managing director, comments, , “Developing and implementing an industrial inkjet system can be challenging, and new 3D applications and companies are emerging all the time.  Meteor’s scalable datapath solutions for all major printheads, coupled with Meteoryte, will allow our OEM customers to harness the power of inkjet for 3D and additive manufacturing applications by significantly reducing development cost, time and risk.”

About Meteor Inkjet

Headquartered in Cambridge UK, Meteor Inkjet Ltd ( is the world’s leading independent supplier of industrial inkjet electronics, software, tools and services.  Known for technical expertise and innovation, Meteor is trusted by printhead manufacturers and print system builders alike.    Meteor is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext:  HYSG), a leading developer of enterprise software for industrial print manufacturing.

About Dyndrite

Dyndrite makes an accelerated computation engine, a tool that gives hardware and software companies the power, freedom and control necessary to deliver the future of digital manufacturing. Our GPU-accelerated software delivers hyper-scalability, python automation and eyebrow-raising performance due to the dedication of a team of mathematicians, software engineers, designers, and mechanical engineers. Dyndrite exists to help its partners solve the toughest geometry and compute problems on the planet, to ignite their purpose. Investors include Gradient Ventures, Google’s AI-focused Investment Fund and former Autodesk CEO Carl Bass. The company, which was founded in 2015, is headquartered in Seattle, WA, USA.  For more information visit: