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Talk to a Dyndrite LPBF Expert today.

Schedule time with a Dyndrite LPBF Application Engineer and start a dialog on how Dyndrite can revolutionize your metal additive manufacturing process.

  • Develop parameters for new LPBF materials
  • Print parts previously thought impossible - without supports
  • Say goodbye to manual, time-consuming processes and hello to efficiency and knowledge codification

“Within just two days of using Dyndrite, we successfully printed a thin-walled heat exchanger. Others had attempted this for over 18 months without success - such an achievement speaks for itself."


CEO  |  Additive Manufacturing Solutions

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Dyndrite's applications engineers have decades of experience in metal AM. Learn how our tools can be applied to your operations to produce better parts, faster.

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Dyndrite is powering the next
years of 3D industrial printing