Why I Joined Dyndrite - John Mansell
Why did I join Dyndrite? Because smart automation in 3D printing is at the heart of reshaping every industry in ways that improve lives across the world.

If I say, “We're making the world a better place", I've become a part of the meme from Silicon Valley. However, I really do believe that automating 3D printing development is a key part of radically changing the world.
I love to write code and build software that is fast, efficient, and intuitive. I may never be the world's leading expert in rocket design, fluid dynamics, or medical device manufacturing, but I do take pride in my coding skills. What excites me about Dyndrite's software is its ability to empower those who are changing the world to iterate faster, try new designs, and develop the next breakthrough in their field. I love creating tools that allow individuals to focus their creative energy on their specialties. When the tools we provide become catalysts for creativity, they can dream bigger and innovate faster. I love that we live in a world where we can excel in our unique strengths; I can write the code, computers can automate tasks, and the visionaries can build new technologies that improve and save lives.
So, yes, when I say, "We're making the world a better place," I genuinely mean it.
While I love coding today, it hasn’t always been my path. I graduated from Concordia University with a BS in Chemistry, which helped me land my first job as an analytical chemist. During my undergrad, I failed Organic Chemistry which ended up being a blessing in disguise. I realized that to pass the class the second time, I needed to read and reread the textbook cover-to-cover and ask the professor endless questions until I mastered the material.
That class sparked a change in me where I finally understood how much joy I'd been missing out on because I wasn't delving deep into the wonders of math and science that surrounds us every day. I became a completely different person after that. Now, when I learn something new I strive to go as deep into the topic as possible. Every person knows something I don't, and my life is much richer when I take the time to learn from their knowledge and experiences. When I am learning something new, I can't get enough of diving into the details, and life is so much richer for it.
Some of the most enriching moments I’ve experienced were a result of the freedom of pursuing a coding career. Over approximately five years of remote work, my wife and I lived in New Zealand, Lithuania, Barcelona, Colorado, and Arizona. We also took trips to Budapest, Thailand, Sweden, and the Philippines. The culture and people of each country were the best parts of anywhere we've traveled. We were always welcomed by strangers who became life-long friends. It's incredible to see the diversity of different countries while consistently being reminded that, regardless of our backgrounds, people worldwide share a common love for laughter, dance, and the joy of sharing a meal.
After years of travel, my wife and I returned to Southern California, where we get to spend time being silly with our pitbull-lab mix, and watch our nieces and nephews grow up. Perhaps the most enriching part of coming back home is reconnecting with family and sharing moments of laughter, dancing, and meals, just as we have done with people from around the world.
Find out more on this topic by attending Dyndrite Developer Conference 2021, April 20-21 (virtual event)